Patient feedback

Since 2007, a large number of patients have been treated according to the principle of dynamic extension therapy. The following statements are just a few examples of the numerous positive feedbacks obtained from patients.

Die SwingMed Anwendung ist seit über 2 Jahren fester Bestandteil unseres SPA und Therapie -Angebots

„Die SwingMed  Anwendung ist seit über 2 Jahren fester Bestandteil unseres SPA  und Therapie -Angebots. Als erstes Alpines Lifestyle Hotel  sind wir ständig auf der Suche nach innovativen Behandlungskonzepten.
Wir waren das erste Destination SPA Hotel, das sich darauf eingelassen hat, eine so spezielle Therapie anzubieten. Unsere Gäste hegen einen hohen Anspruch an unser therapeutisches Leistungsspektrum und so waren alle von Beginn an von der Methode überzeugt. Wie wir selbst beschreiben die Jungbrunn Gäste, unter denen häufig auch Spitzsportler sind, die Anwendung als sehr effektiv und in Kombination mit unseren Massagen, insbesondere der Dorn- Breuss Therapie als wahre Wohltat.“ Markus Gutheinz

„Die SwingMed Therapie wird bei uns im Jungbrunn von unseren Masseuren und Physiotherapeuten häufig und mit viel Erfolg in Kombination mit Massagen angeboten. Die Methode erweitert unsere Spektrum auf ganz spezielle Art und Weise und verbindet manuelle Therapie mit apparativer Hightech, die begeistert.
Durch die schrittweise Steigerung der Neigungsposition des Gastes kommt es ähnlich wie beim Schlingentisch zu einer gezielten und dennoch behutsamen Dehnung der Muskeln und Bänder sowie einer Entlastung der Wirbelsäule.
Wir im Jungbrunn schätzen es sehr, ein so innovatives und effektives System zur Verfügung zu haben, das dem Gast und aber auch dem Therapeuten einen absoluten Mehrwert bietet.“ Mario Tumler –SPA Leiter

A great feeling: Finally no more pain, walking difficulties and pills!

About two and a half years ago an MRI of my lumbar spine was performed and I was diagnosed with a “prolapsed disc (spinal disc herniation) L3-L4 with a lesion of/pressure on the nerves”. I was not able to walk normally any longer. The pain was nearly unbearable and I could only endure it by taking extremely strong painkillers.I received numerous physiotherapies (3x8), injections and infusions, which however did not bring about any relief. Shortly before a planned disc surgery, Dr. Wendt, an orthopaedist at the GammaSwing Centre in Innsbruck told me, “A dynamic extension therapy might help avoid surgery.”After ten therapy sessions with the extension device at Hubert Schneeberger’s treatment centre, I noticed significant improvements: I could walk normally again, and I did not need any painkillers any longer. Another three therapy sessions later the pain had disappeared completely, and in an MRI check-up the prolapsed disc could not be detected any more.Now my husband is being treated with the new SWiNGMED device. His condition has already improved significantly after only two treatments.
Ms. Christanl, Innsbruck, August 2012

Back to a normal life without pain!

Several months after falling badly onto my tailbone, I suffered a prolapsed disc while doing an unfavourable turn in gymnastics. An MRI showed an 11-mm bulge. I had already arranged an appointment for surgery in a renowned hospital specialising in disc surgeries, when a friend of mine told me about Dr. Gundolf and his GammaSwing device. Only four treatments later, I hardly felt any more pain and the MRI showed a reduced bulge of 8 mm. After a total of ten treatments I had no more pain at all and the MRI showed that the prolapsed disc had disappeared completely. I can now lead a normal life without pain again… 
Claudia Drack, Innsbruck

Immediate and long-term positive effect for my back and health!

…I would never thought that a relatively simple method like this one would be so successful in such a short time: I did not suffer any more pain after the first treatment session already. I felt taller, as if my posture had become more stable. Of course, the pain came back a few days later. I had not expected any miracles after all. I could feel how my body was compressed again throughout every-day routine. I went back to doing regular exercises specifically designed to strengthen my back. It was now far easier to do them as my body was not so tense any longer and I could now reach those body parts that needed strengthening. Each subsequent treatment helped ease the pain with the positive side effect that my overall physical well-being began to improve considerably. The swinging movement, which has an almost meditative effect, helps you feel when your body has regained its inner balance – and when it has not. This made me aware of the poor posture I often adopted during every-day activities and chores.
Even now, nearly two months after my last treatment, the effect still lasts: My permanent lower back pain has disappeared, I sleep better, my posture has improved and I can do sports activities without my back getting all tense. Thanks to GammaSwing and the excellent care provided by university professor Dr. Erich Mur.
C.T. (name known to the editorial team), Innsbruck

Painless back after 4 treatments

…I had been suffering from extreme pain of the spine and spinal discs after lifting some heavy weight in a rather unprofessional manner. Unfortunately, I did not get to your treatment centre until a few weeks later. After telling you about my problems I was treated immediately with the GammaSwing, a “miraculous device”, by the friendly staff at your centre. I could feel immediate relief after the first session. After the fourth and last session, the pain had disappeared; just my muscles felt a little sore.
Herr Pawellek, Kufstein

Considerable reduction in pain!

…when I fell from a ladder five years ago, my spine was seriously injured and I had been suffering from severe back pain ever since then. The SwingMED treatment has helped reduce the pain considerably so that now, with a little self-discipline, I can walk upright again.
Herr Markl, Innsbruck

The first back therapy that has helped me!

I was first racked with this unbearable pain in the chest and back as early as in 2008 after I had somehow strained my back at work. The doctor who examined me diagnosed several minor disc prolapses as well as myogelosis between the ribs. From this point on, painkillers were the only way for me to get through every-day life. Infiltration first helped reduce the pain, but only for about three weeks. A second infiltration treatment was effective for only two hours. Infusions, massages and gymnastics did not help either – on the contrary: The pain got worse and worse so that I had to keep increasing the dose of painkillers… I contacted numerous doctors in Vorarlberg, where I come from, but no treatment could rid me of my unbearable back pain… I read on the internet that in the spring a new GammaSwing centre had been opened at Hubert Schneeberger’s treatment centre in Innsbruck. Despite the arduous journeys from Vorarlberg to Innsbruck, I was happy to make them as already the first therapies were successful. It is the first therapy that has really helped me. Meanwhile, I have received nine treatments and I have been able to reduce my dose of painkillers to half a pill.
Elvira F., Vorarlberg

No more pain and greater mobility!

Dear Dr. Gundolf, I would like to thank you most warmly for your help! I had problems with my intervertebral discs for many years – endless pain! After the first treatment on your device, I already felt a lot better; after the second treatment I still felt some lower back pain for two days – which was bearable, though. After four treatments, I now feel no more pain and enjoy greater mobility again. I can only recommend the GammaSwing…
Frau Hauser, Wörgl

Prolapsed disc not detectable any more!

In April 2009, after an MRI of the lumbar spine had been run, I was diagnosed with: disc protrusions of lumbar vertebrae L2/3 and L3/4 as well as a prolapsed disc (disc herniation) of L4/5 including pressure on the nerve root L4 left. The pain was extreme as the nerve root was also affected. My general practitioner gave me infusions and injections. That went on for months, but with little success. Only when I started the extension treatments with the GammaSwing did I start to feel some relief of pain and soon the pain had disappeared completely. According to a final MRI, the prolapsed disc L 4/5 cannot be detected any longer.
Frau Zwerger, Innsbruck